
Learn trial tips based on decades of real court-room experience from our featured lecturers, demonstrators, and workshop leaders.

Courtroom examination

Direct Examination: A Conversation, Not An Interrogation

By Hon. Mark T. Cumba

Direct exam is not just about asking questions. Rather, the questions are the means to the end. Learn three tips that will turn any direct examination into a friendly conversation that tells a story and will be easier for jurors to follow and understand.

Jury selection in courtroom

Six Considerations for an effective Voir Dire

Voir Dire (Jury Selection) is your opportunity to handpick an audience for your trial story. To assist you, I offer the following six considerations in planning and conducting Voir Dire.

Attorney addressing jury

Checklist For An Effective Voir Dire

The following is a checklist to help you prepare and conduct an effective Voir Dire (Jury Selection). Voir Dire is your opportunity to hand-select the audience for your trial. If you plan, prepare and perform, you will maximize your client’s chance of success even before the evidence begins.

Attorney giving opening statement in the courtroom

Checklist for Opening Statement

The following is a checklist to help you prepare and execute a compelling Opening Statement. In your first few trials, be sure to review the list until the items become familiar and habitual. 

Witness Swearing On The Bible Telling The Truth

Five Essential Principles Of Direct Examination

A successful Direct Examination tells a compelling story to the jury. Since trials are typically won by the side that has the most provable and convincing story, conducting an effective direct examination is critical to success.  This article will explore five essential principles of an effective direct examination.

Female Witness Giving Evidence to Prosecutor

Checklist for Direct Examination

The following is a checklist to help you prepare and execute a persuasive Direct Examination. In your first few trials, be sure to review the list until the items become familiar and habitual.

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