Evidence and Trial Articles

Courtroom examination

Direct Examination: A Conversation, Not An Interrogation

By Hon. Mark T. Cumba

Direct exam is not just about asking questions. Rather, the questions are the means to the end. Learn three tips that will turn any direct examination into a friendly conversation that tells a story and will be easier for jurors to follow and understand.

The Development of a Trial Theme & Theory

By Hon. Lilys D. McCoy

“Theme” and “theory” are different but often confused concepts in legal cases. Learn the difference between these two, and why it takes both to win your case.

Four Easy Questions: Basic Foundation for the Admission of Evidence

By Hon. Lilys D. McCoy

Learn the four easy questions that form the basis for every type of foundational inquiry, and will help you get unstuck if you are having trouble laying foundation for a piece of evidence.

courtroom gavel

Five Ways to Complicate Character Evidence

By Hon. Lilys D. McCoy

We often make character evidence more confusing than it needs to be. Learn five shortcomings to avoid if you want to achieve clarity in your character evidence during your trial.

Witness testifying

How to Avoid That “One Question Too Many” on Cross-Examination Using Storytelling Principles – A Look at Andrew Stanton’s TED Talk

By Hon. Lilys D. McCoy

Learn how to craft a persuasive cross examination that also protects you from falling into the “one question too many” trap.

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